
Who doesn’t love a good bookfair?

Readers get to meet their favorite local authors whilst the authors get to connect directly with fans of their writing. For introverts like me, getting out and connecting with real people is something (esp during Covid) that I have really come to eagerly antici……..pate.

Book-Events in 2022, although out there, are not back to the numbers they were pre-pandemic. It seems only the bigger bookfairs are able to justify the expenses incurred when hosting a sizeable literary gathering.

The team and I scoured the South African internet landscape to find local events for those of you looking to get your bums off chairs and into…well, different chairs. But around other people this time. Here are the results our search yielded.

Let us know if we missed any events in the comments below?🙏

MYeBook Self-Publishing Dream Team at work
Actual Picture of the MyeBook team, hard at work.


Franschhoek Literary Festival (FLF)

When: 13 – 15 May 2022

Where: Franschhoek, Cape Town, Western Cape

Tel: 021 876 3606


Enjoy three days at the Polemics and Politics themed Franschhoek Literary Festival. A dream hub of readers, writers, booksellers and publishers.

Note: Attendance at all FLF events is conditional on showing proof of vaccination, or proof of a negative Covid-19 test result (PCR or Rapid Antigen) less than 72 hours old.



When: In June however exact dates TBC

Where: Eden Grove Building, Rhodes University, Drosty Road, Grahamstown, 6139, Frontier Country, Eastern Cape

Tel: 046 603 8111

Website: or

Don’t miss out on the intriguing and acclaimed WordFest event at Rhodes University. This event is home to over 100 activities which include, Between 20 & 30 book launches, several excellent performances, A retail book outlet, WordStock and much more.


Open Book Festival

When: 2 September 2022 – 4 September 2022

Where: Bertha House, 67, 69 Min Road, Mowbray, Cape Town


The Open Book Festival is back! Catch some of your favorite authors in conversation with some incredible television personalities as the talk about women empowerment, love, family and mental health.

What are you waiting for? Go book your tickets now!


Jozi Book Fair

When: 20 – 23 October 2022

Where: Newton Park, Newton Park, Newtown, Johannesburg

Tel:  084 377 3018 or 084 377 3013


Enjoy Johannesburg’s annual Jozi Book Fair event. With several book launches, conversations with different writers, art and literature exhibitions and much more, you’re sure to enjoy every second of it.


Abantu Book Festival

When: In December however exact dates TBC

Where: Eyethu Lifestyle Centre, 00651 Tshabalala Street, Mofolo Central, Soweto, 1801, Johannesburg, Gauteng

Tel: 063 616 1038

Website:  or

Make your way to one of the hottest events in Soweto, the Abantu Book Festival. You’re sure to be captivated by the capturing and celebration of the mosaic of colours, crafts and cultures through the art of literature.
